Graduate student Qi Zhou in Dan Congreve’s lab prepares materials for 3D printing … with light.
The science of light

Researchers in the field of photonics are harnessing the power of light to improve our electronics, help us live more sustainably, and learn more about how our bodies work.


prof Gordon Wetzstein
Gordon Wetzstein and Karen Liu discuss digital doubles

Q and A on the state and use of digital doubles technology 


profs Philip Wong and Jim Plummer
H.S. Philip Wong and Jim Plummer author chapter in ’Silicon Triangle’

A working group of industry and policy experts contemplate the role of semiconductors on the future security, economic prosperity, and technological competitiveness of the US, Taiwan, and China.


prof Srabanti Chowdhury
Srabanti Chowdhury speaks to the what, why, and potential of semiconductors

Her research lab studies semiconductors that can support more efficient, sustainable, and heatproof electronics.


prof Chelsea Finn
Chelsea Finn receives Okawa Foundation Research Grant Award

The award will support her work studying generality and dexterity in visuomotor control.


PhD candidate Asir Khan and postdoc scholar Mohamadali Malakoutian
Asir Khan and Mohamadali Malakoutian receive TECHCON 2023 Best Student Presenter Awards

Selected for the quality of their research, the relevance to industry and potential or actual technology transfer, as well as their overall presentation quality.


prof Umran Inan
Umran Inan awarded the 2023 John Adam Fleming Medal of the American Geophysical Union

For his pioneering discoveries and technical leadership in lightning-ionosphere coupling and magnetospheric wave-particle interactions.


prof Debbie Senesky
Debbie Senesky joins collaboration to create low-cost sensors that can track methane emissions

The team is working to develop a network of low-cost autonomous sensors that can endure tropical environments and collect real-time data about methane emissions.


prof Srabanti Chowdhury
Srabanti Chowdhury receives the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Technical Excellence Award 2023

The award recognizes research of exceptional value to SRC members and which enhances the productivity and competitiveness of the semiconductor industry.


Jerry Yang, EE alumnus
Q&A with EE alumnus Jerry Yang

Jerry Yang, chair of the Board of Trustees, shares his thoughts on Stanford’s upcoming leadership transition and reflects on the university’s recent accomplishments.
