The department offers two joint degree programs: one in conjunction with the law school, JD/MS; and the other with the business school, MS/MBA. Our joint programs are for students with interests in technology, leadership, and policy.

Joint EE MS/MBA Degree Program
The joint MS in Electrical Engineering/MBA Degree Program (MS/MBA) enables students to pursue simultaneously a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration at the Graduate School of Business (GSB). Joint MS/MBA degree students will have interests in technology and leadership with a desire to become managers or entrepreneurs in technologically inclined businesses. Students develop an integrated understanding of engineering strategy and execution to drive future innovations that increasingly involve both technology and business. Completion of the program requires 129 units of combined coursework, enabling students to finish in 9 quarters. Watch/listen to EE MS/MBA Q and A video.
- Application & Eligibility Requirements
Interested applicants must apply and be accepted independently to both the Electrical Engineering Department (EE) and Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB). Applicants may elect to apply to both programs simultaneously or during their first year of graduate study at Stanford. All students should specify their interest in the joint degree program on each application. First-year MBA students (including students enrolled in another joint program) who wish to apply for the EE-MS/MBA joint program must apply to EE through the annual general admissions process. Second-year EE students and second-year MBA students may not apply for the MS/MBA Joint Degree Program.
EE admissions application and eligibility requirements
GSB admissions application and eligibility requirements.
Joint JD/MS Degree Program
The joint JD/MS in Electrical Engineering Degree Program enables students to pursue simultaneously a Juris Doctor at the Stanford Law School and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. The joint JD/MS program is designed for students who wish to prepare themselves for careers that involve both Law and Electrical Engineering. Whether one's focus is net neutrality, patent policy, or any of a host of such mixed inquiries, Stanford's JD/MS program provides uniquely rigorous preparation. As many as 45 quarter units of approved courses may be counted toward both degrees. No more than 31 quarter units of approved courses that originate outside the law school may count toward the law degree. For more information regarding degree requirements for the joint JD/MS program, please see the Stanford Bulletin.
- Application & Eligibility Requirements
Interested applicants must apply and be accepted independently to both the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Stanford Law School, and as an additional step, secure consent from both academic units to pursue both degrees simultaneously. Interest in the program should be noted on a student's application to each academic unit. A student currently enrolled in either the Department of Electrical Engineering or the Stanford Law School may apply for admission to the other academic unit and for joint degree status after commencing study in that unit.