Graduate Degree Progress

For each Stanford advanced degree, there is an approved course of study that meets both the University requirements described in the Stanford Bulletin, as well as Department requirements described in the EE Graduate Handbook. The Care and Feeding of Advisors and Advisees document is available to provide some general guidance and encouragement for students and their advisors to have a helpful, productive, and supportive relationship.

faculty and students at poster session

MS Student Progress

Early in the first year of their coursework, MS students must submit a Program Proposal Form that outlines their planned scope of work. In general, it must include the following elements:
• Depth in one subject area,
• Breadth outside the depth area,
• Additional coursework in engineering, natural sciences and/or mathematics,
• Unit requirement fulfillment (45 units total).

Prof Rivas and students in the Super Lab

PhD Student Progress

In order to meet the requirements of the PhD program, every student must meet department and university requirements:
• Find a research topic and supervisor,
• Pass the department’s qualifying examination,
• Complete the candidacy form (complete the courses listed),
• Form a dissertation reading committee,
• Pass the Oral Examination, in which dissertation results are presented and defended,
• Submit the dissertation to the university.

Contact Information

Degree Progress Officer

Laura Wuethrich
Packard 165
(650) 723-3194
Office Hours (In person or Zoom): Tuesday & Thursday, 11am - 12pm

Graduate Student Teaching Advisors

Amirhossein Afsharrad
Anirudh Vijay

Spring 2023-24
Walk-in Office Hours: Thursdays: 10 am - 12 noon

Packard 110
(650) 561-5095