Department Committees


This page describes department committees that oversee and aim to improve the student experience. If you would like additional information or are interested in participating, please let us know.

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Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)

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The AAC promotes excellence in the academic programs of the Electrical Engineering Department. The committee encourages periodic revisions of curricula considering enduring fundamentals, emerging disciplines and applications, relevance to current practice, student interests and available teaching resources. The committee oversees the creation and revision of courses (both graduate and undergraduate) to ensure the presentation of requisite material at an appropriate level in a pedagogically sound manner, to ensure appropriate instruction on analysis, design, experimentation and communication, and to facilitate the Department's evaluation of program outcomes and educational objectives.

The AAC arranges staffing of courses by talented and qualified instructors who are Academic Council members whenever possible, and identifies and vets guest instructors when required. The AAC ensures that courses are offered with sufficient frequency considering degree requirements, prerequisite chains, student interests and research program requirements.

As new methods of instruction emerge, the committee ensures that courses optimally mix traditional and emerging methods and preserve the student-faculty contact essential to the Stanford experience. The committee maintains and periodically revises course lists relevant to degree programs, including undergraduate specialty sequences and graduate depth sequences. The committee maintains policies related to evaluation of faculty teaching workloads and allocation of resources, including teaching assistants, section leaders and graders.

Members include the AAC Chair, faculty representatives from each faculty group, the Student Services Degree Progress Officer, the Student Services Academic Affairs & Programs Administrator, and graduate and undergraduate student advisors.

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Student Life and Culture Committee

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The Student Life and Culture Committee works to ensure that the student experience outside of the classroom is conducive to recruiting and retaining the best students. In addition, the committee supports all constituencies in the department (faculty, staff, postdocs, and students) to be engaged, productive, and contributing members of the EE community as a whole.
As such, the department aims to:
  • create a welcoming environment for all students to initiate and engage
  • provide a comfortable home for all students so they feel that they belong
  • help all students thrive academically so they may achieve their career goals
Stanford EE is committed to the success of all students. The Student Life and Culture Committee seeks to understand all students' needs and advise the department on how it can best achieve this mission.