Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

students in research lab

The Electrical Engineering department at Stanford University invites undergraduates with an EE major to participate in its REU Summer Program from June to August. The program is designed to give undergraduates an opportunity to work with members of the EE Faculty and their research groups on advanced research topics.

EE students at REU orientation

Program Structure

The REU program is designed to give both an in-depth research experience on a particular topic, as well as a broad hands-on exposure to various areas within EE.
Weekly seminars are offered to cover a wide range of topics. The seminar series lecturers are comprised of EE faculty, grad students, and guests. Discussions include research topics, graduate education, internships and career opportunities.

Social events are also sponsored and give students opportunity to relax, mingle, and network



The last week of the summer program will be devoted to writing a final report and creating a poster on the research project. The students will present their projects at a poster fair, in which the EE community is invited. Many faculty attend, as well as industry researchers.

REU group


REU interns receive a summer stipend. Students are required to secure their own housing for the summer. As a program affiliate, REU interns will have the option of enrolling in on-campus summer housing. Interns also have the option to live off-campus; however, we strongly recommend that students enroll in the on‐campus housing option. As part of the living requirement, students will need to acquire a campus-dining plan if they live on campus.

Please note that if students choose to arrange their own housing off-campus, they will also have to be prepared to pay associated expenses prior to receiving their REU stipend, since the stipend will come shortly after the start of REU.

To apply for Summer housing, submit an application for summer housing with the Housing Assignment Services Office. Please consult the housing office for more information regarding summer housing deadlines or visit their website.

Contact Information

Department of Electrical Engineering

David Packard Electrical Engineering Bldg.
350 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford, CA 94305-9595

REU Administrator

Packard 164