Jayant Charthad, PhD
Jayant Charthad, PhD, et al received the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award 2020

Their paper is titled, “A mm-Sized Wireless Implantable Device for Electrical Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves."


prof Shanhui Fan
Shanhui Fan and Sid Assawaworrarit: Unplugged!

The two show robust and efficient wireless power transfer using a power-efficient switch-mode amplifier with current-sensing feedback in a parity-time symmetric circuit.


prof Jelena Vučković
Jelena Vučković announced as CLEO 2020 Gordon Memorial Speaker

Her talk is titled, “Integrated Quantum Photonics”


prof Andrea Goldsmith
Andrea Goldsmith wins the 2020 Marconi Prize

Professor Goldsmith has won the prestigious Marconi Prize of the Marconi Society for “her ground-breaking work to deliver high-performing cellular and wifi services."


image of Prof. Paulraj
Arogyaswami J. Paulraj has been elected to the AAAS

AAAS honors exceptionally accomplished individuals and recognizes excellence.


prof Balaji Prabhakar
Balaji Prabhakar awarded IEEE's Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award

His citation reads, “For contributions to the theory and practice of network algorithms and protocols, in particular Internet routers, data centers, and self-programming networks."


 EE 276 students in the main quad
Q: What do career day, secret codes, and fantasy football have in common? A: EE 276: Information Theory

Students from EE276 created videos for middle school students in lieu of the planned in-person outreach event.


prof Shan Wang
Shan X. Wang co-authors 'smart toilet' research paper

A disease-detecting “precision health” toilet can sense multiple signs of illness through automated urine and stool analysis.


prof Andrea Goldsmith
Andrea Goldsmith named dean of engineering at Princeton University

This accomplished professor, researcher, academician and entrepreneur is poised to apply her experience to new leadership challenges.


prof Chelsea Finn
Chelsea Finn featured as part of the Women in AI, a special project by 'Synced'

She is making a greater impact through research and teaching.
