prof John Hennessy
John Hennessy receives NAE's Charles Stark Draper Prize for Engineering

His citation reads “for contributions to the invention, development, and implementation of reduced instruction set computer (RISC) chips."


prof Krishna Saraswat and Koosha Nassiri Nazif
Krishna Saraswat and team find efficiencies in a promising group of photovoltaic materials

New solar materials – transition metal dichalcogenides – or TMDs – could usher in ultrathin, lightweight solar panel.


prof Jelena Vučković
Jelena Vučković investigates Quantum Entanglement within the Soliton Microcomb

Her research lab leveraged their quantum optics background to study the quantum properties of the soliton microcomb.


prof Shan Wang
Shan X. Wang named National Academy of Inventors fellow

His citation reads “innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on quality of life, economic development and welfare of society.”


prof James Harris
'Meet the Faculty' with Prof. Jim Harris [video]

As MTF's first guest, Jim shares his journey from a small Oregon farm, to his days as a Stanford student in the tumultuous 1960s, to his adventures in academia and his rich career in electronics and materials.


prof Shanhui Fan
Shanhui Fan proposes a simpler design for quantum computers

A relatively simple quantum computer design that uses a single atom to manipulate photons could be constructed with currently available components.


prof Chelsea Finn
Chelsea Finn featured on Stanford Engineering's 'The Future of Everything'

An expert on AI and robotics, Chelsea reports that the latest trend in her field is teaching AI to look inward to improve itself.


prof Eric Pop
Eric Pop elevated to IEEE Fellow

He is recognized for contributions to phase-change memory, and to the thermal science of nanomaterials and nanoscale transistors.


gingerbread scene
EE’s Gingerbread Contest 2021

The sweet sight of teamwork, creativity, and imagination.


prof Gordon Wetzstein
Gordon Wetzstein: coupling AI techniques to improve realism in AR and VR

Augmented virtual reality will continue to transform a number of fields from medical to gaming.
