April's outstanding EE staff!
EE Staff Awards, April ‘21

Six EE staff recognized for their exemplary work.


prof Kunle Olukotun
Kunle Olukotun: How to make AI more democratic

A chip designer talks about how advances in hardware will be needed to make the much-hyped artificially intelligent future a reality.


prof Shanhui Fan
Shanhui Fan’s Radiative Cooling

Four faculty members discussed their work to make energy systems more sustainable, affordable and reliable at an annual energy sector conference.


prof Nick McKeown
Nick McKeown aims to ensure 5G networks are reliable and secure

His team of scholars is working to protect 5G technology from vulnerabilities.


LaToya Powell
LaToya Powell awarded the 2020 School of Engineering Staff Award for Innovation

For her achievement in the creation of the dEEbug peer tutoring program and the creation of a new student group called SURG(E)2.


prof David Miller
David Miller: How light could transform computing

Podcast: David explains the remarkable potential of using light instead of electricity in computation.


our exemplary staff
EE Staff Awards, February ‘21

Five EE staff recognized for their exemplary work.


prof John Hennessy
John Hennessy receives BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards

His citation reads, "for turning computer architecture into a science and designing the processors that power today’s devices”.


prof Kunle Olukotun
Kunle Olukotun elected to the National Academy of Engineering

His citation reads “for contributions to on-chip multiprocessor architectures and advancement to commercial realization.”


prof James Zou and PhD Amirata Ghorbani
James Zou and Amirata Ghorbani (PhD candidate) extend and adapt the Shapley approach to the study of data

They propose a fair way to quantify how much individual datasets contribute to AI model performance and companies’ bottom lines.
