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Student Final Talks - EE274: Data Compression, Theory and Applications

Packard 101

The students from the EE274: Data Compression, Theory and Applications, will be presenting short 5-min lightning talks on their final projects for the course. The talks will range from implementations of various compression algorithms as well as new applications.

  • RL for compression
  • LZ77 optimized implementation
  • Lossless Image compression (PNG, QOI...)
  • Compressor as Estimator for Neural Science
  • Bits back coding etc.
  • MRI data compression
  • Reproducing Learnt Image Compression in SCL
  • Adaptive Huffman Decoding
  • Tabular data compression using Chow-Liu trees
  • Perceptual Image Metrics
  • Alias Coding
  • HW implementation of Huffman, tANS/rANS
  • AAC (advanced audio codec)
  • LZ78 optimized implementation
  • Invesitgation of lossy compression as denoiser for audio
  • Lossy compression for Quantum computing
  • Lossy text compression
  • CTW