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Quantum dynamics of a superconducting-circuit quantum simulator with metamaterial quantum bus

Oskar Painter (Caltech)
PAB 102/103

Abstract: While the majority of engineerable many-body systems, or quantum simulators, consist of particles on a lattice with local interactions, quantum systems featuring long-range interactions are particularly challenging to model and interesting to study due to the rapid spatio-temporal growth of quantum entanglement and correlations. In my talk I will present a scalable quantum simulator architecture based on a linear array of superconducting qubits locally connected to an extensible photonic-bandgap metamaterial. The metamaterial acts both as a quantum bus mediating qubit-qubit interactions, and as a readout channel for multiplexed qubit-state measurement. As an initial demonstration, we realize a 10-qubit simulator of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with in situ tunability of both the hopping range and the on-site interaction. I will present how we characterize the Hamiltonian of the system using a measurement-efficient protocol based on quantum many-body chaos, and use a similar technique to study the many-body quench dynamics of the system, revealing through global bit-string statistics the predicted crossover from integrability to ergodicity as the hopping range increases. I will also discuss how the metamaterial quantum bus architecture can be extended to two-dimensional lattice systems and used to generate a wide range of qubit interactions, expanding the accessible Hamiltonians for analog quantum simulation and increasing the flexibility in implementing quantum circuits for gate-based computations.

Research Interests: Prof. Painter's current research interests are in studying the quantum properties of mechanical systems, the development of hybrid superconducting quantum circuits for quantum information processing applications andquantum computing. He is currently on-leave from Caltech, leading the Amazon Web Services quantum computing hardware team.