Towards new ways of learning with Generative AI
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Talk Abstract: Recently, the rise of generative AI technologies is challenging and radically reshaping educational paradigms. This talk will highlight the transformative potential of generative AI in designing personalized learning experiences, fostering creativity, and empowering the learner. While the prospects are promising, integrating these algorithms also brings challenges – from ethical considerations to ensuring the authenticity of academic results. We will look at different case studies to illuminate how learners and educators can harness the power of generative AI while managing its complexity to redefine the future of education.
Speaker Biography: Enkelejda Kasneci is a Distinguished Professor (Liesel Beckmann Distinguished Professor) of Human-Centered Technologies for Learning and Director of the TUM Center for Educational Technologies. She investigates human-centered technologies, with a special emphasis on the crossroads between multimodal interaction and cutting-edge technological tools, such as VR, AR, and eye-tracking methodologies. Her research incorporates artificial intelligence to foster and facilitate the emergence of innovative learning paradigms. By investigating these interdisciplinary areas, Prof. Kasneci aims to enhance educational experiences and promote a more profound understanding of the intricate interplay between humans and technology. Prof. Kasneci received her MSc in computer science from the University of Stuttgart and her PhD in computer science from the University of Tübingen in 2013. Afterwards she was a Margarete von Wrangell Fellow (2013-2015), assistant professor of Perception Engineering (2015-2019), and professor of Human-Computer Interaction (2019-2022) at the University of Tübingen.
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