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Engineering Entanglement between Atomic Ensembles + Complexity and randomness in quantum circuits

Philipp Kunkel (Stanford) and Nick Hunter-Jones (Stanford)
PAB 102/103
Lunch at 11:30

ZOOM link
Zoom Meeting ID: 914 8268 2357; Password: 999112


Abstract (Philipp Kunkel): Control over interactions form the basis for generating entanglement between quantum objects. In this talk, I will show how we use all-to-all interactions mediated by an optical cavity together with local spin rotations to engineer a wide variety of entanglement structures between ensembles of neutral atoms. The structure of these quantum correlations can then be tailored to a specific quantum enhanced task such as distributed quantum sensing and measurement-based quantum computation via cluster states.

Research Interests: Quantum Information, Quantum Metrology

Abstract (Nick Hunter-Jones): Random quantum circuits (RQCs) are a solvable model of strongly-interacting quantum dynamics, efficient implementations of quantum pseudorandomness, and have been the central focus of recent demonstrations of quantum computational advantage. In this talk we’ll overview some techniques for studying properties of RQCs and their implications in both quantum many-body physics and near-term quantum computing.

Research Interests: Quantum information, Quantum many-body physics, Quantum computing

Notes: Buffet lunch will available @ 11:30am

Talks will begin @ 11:45am