Predicting and optimizing the behavior of large-scale models
Sloan 380Y
In this talk, we study the problem of estimating (and optimizing) the counter-factual behavior of large-scale predictive models. We start by focusing on "data counter-factuals", where the goal is to estimate the effect of modifying a training dataset on the resulting machine learning outputs. For many classes of statistical models, the influence function is a powerful tool for solving this problem. Yet, the (supposed) intractability of the influence function for large-scale predictive models has necessitated a parallel line of work in machine learning: we begin with an overview.
We then introduce a method that (almost) perfectly estimates how changes to training data change large-scale model behavior. Key to the method is a computational algorithm for computing the exact influence function, and a diagnostic for ensuring its utility on the scale of large-scale machine learning models. This method unlocks some new applied possibilities and open questions: their discussion forms our conclusion.