Why Not Waferscale?
Hewlett 101
Abstract: More than fifty years ago, Fairchild Semiconductor introduced a product designed by David Fullagar, that was larger, costlier and lower-yielding than their competitor. The premise was that engineers are lazy: they would buy it because it was easier to use. Cerebras has introduced a larger, costlier and lower-yielding wafer scale solution than anyone in history. It is easier to use. Are engineers still lazy?
Bio: Bendik Kleveland is in charge of the wafer scale packaging at Cerebras. He proposed and implemented solutions that enabled first customer shipments and production of the CS-1 and CS-2. Prior to Cerebras he has brought products from ideas to production at established companies and startups.
Bendik received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Surrey, England. He holds 50+ patents and authored 20+ publications in the fields of memory design, regulators, oscillators, high-speed wireline and wireless communication.