Stanford EE

Double scaled SYK and de Sitter holography

Herman Verlinde (Princeton)
Varian 355

In this talk, I’ll describe a new model of low dimensional de Sitter holography in the form of a pair of DSSYK models coupled via an equal energy constraint. As a test of the duality, I compute the two-point function of SYK operators that preserve the constraint and find that at large N it matches the Green's function of a massive scalar field in 3D de Sitter space with radius R = 4\pi N/p^2. In this match, the SYK time equals the bulk proper time between the two operators. The candidate gravity dual takes the form of an exactly soluble JT/de Sitter gravity theory obtained via circle reduction from 3D gravity.  I’ll end with some comments on the relation between Schwarzschild-de Sitter and SYK thermodynamics.