Prof. Jonathan Simon, Stanford University

Q-FARM Seminar Series: Cavity QED from Manybody Physics to Transduction

Prof. Jonathan Simon (Stanford)
PAB 102/103 + Zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 914 8268 2357; Password: 999112


Abstract: In this talk, I will describe recent developments in the Simon/Schuster collaboration, where we are harnessing cavity quantum electrodynamics for both manybody physics and quantum information. I will begin with an overview of our photonic quantum materials efforts, highlighting the analogy between photons in a lattice of cavities (or family of cavity modes) and electrons in solids. I will then focus in on our explorations of Hubbard physics in a quantum circuit, where we have demonstrated reservoir engineering approaches to stabilizing incompressible solids, and more recently, disorder-assisted adiabatic approaches to preparation of compressible fluids and even cat states of fluids. Finally, I will change gears and talk briefly about interfacing superconducting and optical cavities using Rydberg atoms, where we have just demonstrated a quantum limited mmwave-to-optical transducer with >50% transduction efficiency, 100’s of kHz of bandwidth, and less than one noise photon.

Please sign up here for breakfast (undergrads) and lunch (grads and postdocs) with the speaker. 

Graduate Student 10 min talk: Agnetta Cleland (Safavi-Naeini Lab)