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Recent Developments in Quantum Money

Mark Zhandry (NTT)
PAB 102/103


  • Buffet lunch @ 11:30am
  • 10 min talk @ 11:45am
  • Main talk @ 12:00pm
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 976 5500 7244; Password: 973549

Abstract: Quantum money is a form of currency where the inability to counterfeit is derived from the no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics. An important feature of quantum money is public verification, allowing anyone to verify banknotes while still ensuring that only the mint can create new notes. Unfortunately, convincing realizations of publicly verifiable quantum money have remained elusive. In this talk, I will survey the literature on quantum money, explain what makes public verification so difficult, and describe some very recent progress toward overcoming these challenges.

Research interests: quantum information theory, cryptography, computer science theory