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Defect-engineered photonic and superconducting quantum circuits

Alp Sipahigil (UC Berkeley)
PAB 102/103

Abstract: The past decade witnessed major advances in our ability to engineer quantum systems for emerging quantum technologies. In this talk, I will present our work on enabling next-generation integrated microwave, phononic, and photonic quantum technologies in silicon devices. In the first part, I will discuss our work on developing spin-photon interfaces in silicon to enable practical quantum repeater nodes using silicon photonics [1,2]. In the second part, I will discuss how defects in crystalline substrates limit superconducting qubit performance [3], and our approach for addressing defect-induced loss using phononics [4]. 

  • [1] Y. Xiong et al., “High-throughput identification of spin-photon interfaces in silicon”, Science Advances 9 (40), eadh8617 (2023)
  • [2] Komza et al., “Indistinguishable photons from an artificial atom in silicon photonics”, arXiv:2211.09305 (2022)
  • [3] Z Zhang*, K Godeneli*, et al. , "Acceptor-induced bulk dielectric loss in superconducting circuits on silicon", arXiv:2402.17155 (2024)
  • [4] M Odeh et al., "Non-Markovian dynamics of a superconducting qubit in a phononic bandgap, arXiv:2312.01031 (2023)