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SCIEN Colloquium and EE 292E: Non-anthropocentric Imaging with & without optics

Prof Rajesh Menon (University of Utah)
Packard 101

Talk Abstract:  Imaging that is not constrained by human perception could be advantageous for enhanced privacy, to enable low power, persistent applications, and to improve inferencing by exploiting properties of light that are unavailable to humans (eg. Spectrum, polarization, etc.). By co-optimizing the imager with subsequent image processing, we showcase 3 examples: (1) snapshot hyper-spectral imaging and inferencing; (2) snapshot deep-brain fluorescence microscopy; and (3) optics-free imaging and inferencing. New modalities for signal recording, optics enhanced by nanomanufacturing, and advanced computational capabilities promise exciting new opportunities.

Speaker Biography:   Rajesh Menon combines his expertise in nanofabrication, computation and optical engineering to impact several fields including inverse-designed photonics, flat lenses and unconventional imaging. Rajesh is a Fellow of the OSA, the SPIE, and Senior Member of the IEEE. Among his other honors are a NASA Early-Stage-Innovations Award, NSF CAREER Award and the International Commission for Optics (ICO) Prize. Rajesh currently directs the Laboratory for Optical Nanotechnologies at the University of Utah. He received S.M. and Ph.D. degrees from MIT.