US-ATMC event

US-ATMC Seminar: Data Infrastructure for Sustainable Mobility in a Smart City: Providing Affordable, Fast, and Green Mobility in a Zero-emission Mega-city

Dr. Andy Zheng (PAIR CITY)
Paul G. Allen Building, Allen 101X Auditorium

 To attend in-person, please RSVP

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms, compared with on-demand mobility platforms such as Uber, is seen as the next generation smart mobility model that will transform the urban mobility landscape to be greener, faster, and more fiscally sustainable. MaaS aims to address cities’ emission, congestion, and fiscal budget challenges by attracting the public away from car travel. However, three key questions remain. On the supply side, how to provide attractive and greener mobility options that are of comparable convenience to car travel. On the demand side, how to incentivize people to switch to greener mobility options which are primarily based on train, bus, cycling, and walking. And on the business side, how to operate a city-level MaaS platform sustainably. Join Dr. Richard Dasher and Dr. Andy Zheng for a fireside chat to learn how PAIR CITY is addressing these issues, and how their role in enabling communication and data transfer will be essential for smart cities. 

BIO: Dr. Andy Zheng is the Founder and Chief Scientist of PAIR CITY that built the PAIR mobility as a service (MaaS) big data platform, with the vision of providing affordable, fast, and green mobility choices in a people-centric smart city. Similar to the “Microsoft Windows” operating system, PAIR’s cloud-based MaaS platform can be quickly ready for city-level services within 1 week after deploying the software in the transport data center. In 2018, Andy founded Singapore-based Aspiring Citizens Cleantech with Rufino Escasany, which had operations in 4 megacities in China, and Buenos Aires, Argentina before the COVID outbreak.

Andy is also an adjunct fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities in Singapore, working on the Smart Scaling initiative that believes in inclusive and scalable smart city innovations. His research interests in renewable energy and innovation have led him to focus on researching and developing novel data-driven solutions that optimize energy use and minimize carbon footprint in a smart city context.

He earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California Berkeley in 2014. He has been appointed as the Chief Technical Advisor for Chengdu’s Smart Mobility Initiative, as well as the first MaaS system for the FISU World University Games, taking place in Chengdu in July 2023.