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SCIEN Colloquium and EE 292E: Computation in microscopy: How computers are changing the way we build and use microscopes

Prof Changhuei Yang (California Institute of Technology)
Packard 101

Talk Abstract:  The level of computational power we can currently access has significantly changed the way we think about, process and interact with microscopy images. In this talk, I will discuss some of our recent computational microscopy and deep learning work, that showcase some of these shifts in the context of pathology and life science research. I will talk about Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy (FPM) – a novel way to collect and process microscopy data that is capable of zeroing out physical aberrations from microscopy images. As a novel way to collect and process microscopy data, FPM can also bring significant workflow advantages to pathology. I will also talk about the use of Deep Learning in image analysis and point out some novel and impactful ways it is changing how we deal with image data in pathology and life science research. These surprising findings strongly indicate the need for the redesign of physical microscope systems to enable the next level of AI based image analysis. I will briefly touch on the shape and form that these redesigns might look like.

Speaker Biography:  Changhuei Yang is the Thomas G. Myers Professor of Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering and Medical Engineering and a Heritage Medical Research Institute Principal Investigator at the California Institute of Technology. He works in the area of biophotonics and computational imaging. His research team has developed numerous novel biomedical imaging technologies over the past 2 decades – including technologies for focusing light deeply into animals using time-reversal optical methods, lensless microscopy, ePetri, Fourier Ptychography, and non-invasive brain activity monitoring methods. He has worked with major companies, including BioRad, Amgen and Micron-Aptina, to develop solutions for their technological challenges.

He has received the NSF Career Award, the Coulter Foundation Early Career Phase I and II Awards, and the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award. In 2008 he was named one of Discover Magazine’s ‘20 Best Brains Under 40’. He is a Coulter Fellow, an AIMBE Fellow and an OSA Fellow. He was elected as a Fellow in the National Academy of Inventors in 2020.