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SCIEN Colloquium and EE 292E: Remote Photonic Medicine

Prof. Zeev Zalevsky (Bar-Ilan University)
Packard 101

Talk Abstract: I will present a photonic sensor that can be used for remote sensing of many biomedical parameters simultaneously and continuously. The technology is based upon illuminating a surface with a laser and then using an imaging camera to perform temporal and spatial tracking of secondary speckle patterns in order to have nano metric accurate estimation of the movement of the back reflecting surface. The capability of sensing those movements in nano-metric precision allows connecting the movement with remote bio-sensing and with medical diagnosis capabilities.

The proposed technology was already applied for remote and continuous estimation of vital bio-signs (such as heart beats, respiration, blood pulse pressure and intra ocular pressure), for molecular sensing of chemicals in the blood stream (such as for estimation of alcohol, glucose and lactate concentrations in blood stream, blood coagulation and oximetry) as well as for sensing of hemodynamic characteristics such as blood flow related to brain activity.

The sensor can be used for early diagnosis of diseases such as otitis, melanoma and breast cancer and lately it was tested in large scale clinical trials and provided highly efficient medical diagnosis capabilities for cardiopulmonary diseases. The capability of the sensor was also tested and verified in providing remote high-quality characterization of brain activity.

Speaker Biography:  Zeev Zalevsky received his B.Sc. and direct Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tel-Aviv University in 1993 and 1996 respectively. Zeev is currently a full Professor and the Dean of the faculty of engineering in Bar-Ilan University, Israel. His major fields of research are optical super resolution, biomedical optics, nano-photonics and fiber-based processing and sensing architectures. Zeev has published more than 570 peer review papers, 340 proceeding papers, 9 books (6 authored and 3 as an editor), 32 book chapters and about 100 patents. Zeev gave about 620 conference presentations with more than 220 invited/keynote or plenary talks.

Zeev is a fellow of many large scientific societies such as SPIE, OSA, IEEE, EOS, IOP, IET, IS&T, ASLMS, AIMBE and more. He is also a fellow of the American National Academy of Inventors (NAI). For his work he received many national and international prizes such as the Krill prize, ICO prize and Abbe medal, SAOT prize, Juludan prize, Taubelnblatt prize, young investigator prize in nanotechnology, the International Wearable Technologies (WT) Innovation World Cup 2012 Prize, Image Engineering Innovation Award, NANOSMAT prize, SPIE startup challenge prize, SPIE prism award, IAAM Scientist Medal Award, International Photonic Award, Dr. Horace Furumoto Innovations Professional award, The Asian Advanced Materials Award, Edison Award, IEEE distinguished lecturer award, VEBLEO Scientist Award, Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize, Lotfi Zadeh Memorial Award, E&T Innovation Award, CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2022 Innovation Awards, German Innovation Awards 2022, the Humboldt research prize, SPIE 2023 Chandra S. Vikram Award for Metrology and more.

Besides his academic research activity, Zeev is also very active in commercializing his inventions into start-up companies. Zeev was and is involved in technologically leading of more than 10 startup companies.