Contact Information for CAs

EE Department Contacts

Room Scheduling for Office Hours:
Office Hour / classroom schedule in Packard,

Financial or Payment Information:
Contact Jam Kiattinant: (link sends email), Packard 164, Telephone: 6-8171

CA Appointment Issues:
Contact: (link sends email), Packard 164, Telephone: 5-9327 

CGOE Issues:
Contact Pax Hehmayer: (link sends email), 408 Panama, room 231

Packard Building Issues:
Contact Kenny Green (link sends email), Packard 115, Telephone: 4-3310 

Director of Student and Academic Services:
Contact Meo Kittiwanich: (link sends email), Packard 168, Telephone: 3-6539

Instructional tech support:
Contact Thomas Carlson: (link sends email), Allen 214, Telephone: 5-3645

Student Advisors

Undergraduate Advisor: Ethan Liang
Office: Packard 110;

Fall 2024 Office Hours (in-person or via Zoom)

  • Mon: 12:00 - 2:00 in Packard 110 or via Zoom ID: 5987180904; Password: 213214
  • Thurs: 11:30 – 1:30 in Packard 110 or via Zoom ID: 5987180904; Password: 213214.

Virtual Office Hours by Appointment (calendly link)

  • Wed: 12:00 - 2:30 via Zoom
  • Fri: 10:00 - 3:30 via Zoom 

Graduate Advisor: Amirhossein Afsharrad

  • Walk-in Office Hours: Thursdays, 10am - 12pm
  • Packard 110, Tel: (650) 561-5095, (Please note the hyphen)
  • Book an appointment on Calendly (options available on multiple days of the week):
    • Many time slots are available on different days of the week, and you can schedule an in-person or virtual meeting.

Stanford Student Services Contacts

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Vaden Health Center (2nd floor), 866 Campus Drive, tel: (650) 498-2336, extension 2

Office of Community Standards (academic dilemmas, honor code questions)

Located in the Office of the Dean of Students on the 2nd floor of Stanford's Tresidder Memorial Union (above the Jamba Juice store), (650) 725-2485

Bechtel International Center (resources for International students) 584 Capistrano Way, tel: (650) 723-1831

Office of Accessible Education (OAE) (Information on classroom accessibility and special services) 

Located at 563 Salvatierra Walk, tel: (650) 723-1066, tty: (650) 723-1067 

Graduate Life Office

Contact (650) 736-7078 for more information and services