Quantum science and engineering
Quantum mechanical entanglement is the fundamental resource driving the advancement of quantum technologies, including quantum computers, simulators, sensors, and networks. Our goal is to explore and scale entanglement across various physical systems—such as photons, semiconductors, and atoms—and to develop robust quantum systems and their practical applications.
Devices and systems that utilize electromagnetic waves, particularly light, encompass a broad range of real-world applications. These include information communication, where photonics is essential, as well as medical instrumentation, imaging, sensing, and photovoltaic solar power generation.
Joonhee Choi | Dan Congreve | Jonathan Fan |
Shanhui Fan | Bert Hesselink | Joseph Kahn |
David Miller | Krishna Saraswat | Tom Soh |
Olav Solgaard | Jelena Vuckovic |
Joe Goodman | Jim Harris | Stephen E. Harris | Yoshi Yamamoto |
Halleh Balch | Tony Heinz | Daniel Palanker |
David Schuster |
Quantum science and engineering, Photonics - View all associated faculty |
This course listing is an example; Please speak with your Advisor about what courses are best suited for your individual interest areas.
APPPHYS 203 Atoms, Fields, and Photons
APPPHYS 204 Quantum Materials
APPPHYS 225 Probability and Quantum Mechanics
APPPHYS 228 Quantum Hardware
APPPHYS 272 Solid State Physics (PHYSICS 172)
APPPHYS 280 Phenomenology of Superconductors
APPPHYS 282 Intro to Modern Atomic Physics & Quantum Optics
APPPHYS 346 Nonlinear Optics
APPPHYS 376 Cavity QED and Cavity Optomechanics
CHEM 171 Foundations of Physical Chemistry
CHEM 261 Computational Chemistry
CHEM 271 Advanced Physical Chemistry
CHEM 275 Single Molecules and Light
CS 154 Introduction to the Theory of Computation
CS 254 Computational Complexity (including quantum computing)
CS 259Q Quantum Computing
CS 269Q Elements of Quantum Computer Programming
CS 359 Modern Crypto including Post-Quantum
CS 59SI Quantum Computing: Open-Source Project Experience
EE 65 Modern Physics for Engineers
EE 134 Introduction to Photonics
EE 222/223 Applied Quantum Mechanics I, II
EE 224 Quantum Control and Engineering
EE 234 Photonics Lab
EE 236C Lasers
EE 243 Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices
EE 336 Nanophotonics
EE340 Optical Micro and Nano Cavities
MATSCI 142 Quantum Mechanics of Nanoscale Materials
MATSCI 201 Applied Quantum Mechanics I (same as EE222)
MATSCI 331 Atom-based Computational Methods (including quantum methods)
MATSCI 341 Quantum Theory of Electronic and Optical Excitations in Materials
PHYSICS 14N Quantum Information
PHYSICS 65 Quantum and Thermal Physics
PHYSICS 70 Foundations of Modern Physics
PHYSICS 106 Experimental Methods in Quantum Physics
PHYSICS 108 Advanced Physics Laboratory: Project
PHYSICS 130/131 Quantum Mechanics 1 and 2
PHYSICS 134, 234 Advanced Topics in Quantum Mechanics
PHYSICS 153 Introduction to String Theory, Quantum Gravity, and Black Holes
PHYSICS 230/231 Graduate Quantum Mechanics I, II
PHYSICS 182/282/AP 282 Quantum Gases
PHYSICS 330/331/332 Quantum Field Theory I, II, III
PHYSICS 451 Advanced Theoretical Physics II: Quantum Information Theory
PHYSICS 470 Topological States of Matter
PHYSICS 470 Topics in Modern Condensed Matter Theory I: Many Body Quantum Dynamics
PHYSICS 491 Symmetry and Quantum Information
PHYSICS 492 Topological Quantum Computation
EE276 / STATS 376A Information Theory (including quantum information theory)
SYMSYS 265 Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Cognition