IBM Quantum Network Workshop
Registration required.
To attend, please register here. You are welcome to share this information with your research group, collaborators or peers at Stanford who may also be interested to join the workshop. Note: this workshop will not be recorded and no official photographs will be taken.
Dr. Abby Mitchell joined IBM in 2019 as a full stack web developer before moving to IBM Quantum as a Developer Advocate in March 2021. During the workshop, Abby will provide an overview of the latest Qiskit structure, libraries and modules, and will share programming examples on IBM quantum hardware. This event will be a great opportunity for both advanced researchers and quantum computing enthusiasts who would like to learn the latest features available through Qiskit for research and education.
Requesting access to Stanford’s IBM Q Hub (not a prerequisite to the workshop)
Stanford is a member of the IBM Q Network, providing access to IBM quantum hardware and software systems as part of a research-level engagement of experimental platform. The resources available through this Network include systems with more capability than those systems available to the public outside the agreement. Note that use of the various IBM Q systems through this program is intended for internal research and teaching purposes only; no clinical use is authorized nor is use of any regulated data.
How to request access: Send an email to ruthm@stanford.edu with the subject: “Requesting access to Stanford’s IBM Q Hub”. Please include your name, SUNet, email address, a brief description of your project (or, if for a class, the instructor should send that information along with the names, SUNets, emails of the students), and expected duration. Ruth will then set up a brief zoom with you to discuss the Stanford-IBM agreement terms and conditions as they relate to system access and use.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop on November 11th!