Impact of Polarization in Intense Laser Driven Radiation Sources
Zoom ID: 91302763354
Password: 802528
Abstract: High intensity laser matter interactions combine ultrafast timescales with extreme energy densities, a unique regime of physics in which plasma physics, nonlinear optics, and relativity all overlap. They also represent a new x-ray light source with unique properties. In this talk, I will describe how laser polarization not only impacts but can modify these interactions, and what that means for light sources. Experiments from tabletop to facility scale systems will be presented, along with numerical modeling.
Biography: Franklin Dollar is the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for the UCI School of Physical Sciences, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy. His research interests are in high energy density science and the application of advanced particle acceleration for ultrafast x-ray light sources. He is a site lead for the National Science Foundation Science & Technology Center for Real-time Functional Imaging (STROBE). He is an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, the American Indian Science & Engineering Society’s Most Promising Scientist, a Kavli Fellow, an awardee of the Tom Angel Faculty Mentorship Award, and the National Science Foundation’s early CAREER award.