Tidal Love numbers and Tidal anomalous dimensions
Varian 355
Abstract: In this talk, I will review the worldline effective field theory (EFT) formalism for classical gravitational physics. Using worldline EFT, I will show you a framework for the gravitational analogue of Raman scattering, which computes wave scattering through compact stars, incorporating both deformation and dissipation. The EFT calculation of gravitational Raman scattering can be matched to black hole perturbation theory (BHPT) to extract tidal Love numbers of black holes. I will also show that there is classical RG running of tidal operators and interpret the result of this RG flow as the anomalous dimension of multipole operators. This anomalous dimension is essentially the "renormalized angular momentum" in BHPT, determined by the far-zone phase shift. I will then demonstrate how this anomalous dimension resums certain "tail effects" in the gravitational waveform. In the end, I will comment on how the worldline EFT might be useful in formal theory.