Smart Grid Seminar: Achieving 100% Renewable Power on a 24/7 Basis by 2025
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Providing 100 percent renewable energy on an hourly basis can be achieved at cost-competitive rates, while reducing emissions and providing wider benefits to the electric grid, according to an advanced new 24/7 renewable energy modeling tool and analysis developed by Peninsula Clean Energy. The new Matching Around-The-Clock Hourly Energy (MATCH) modeling tool was built, tested and used over the past two years to help determine the optimal 24/7 renewable energy portfolio, including how much it will cost, the level of emission reduction benefits and the impacts on the broader energy system. The model results validate and will guide Peninsula Clean Energy toward its utility-sector leading goal of matching customer demand with all-renewable power 99 percent of the time by 2025. As emerging technologies such as offshore wind and non-lithium storage mature and play greater roles, matching customer demand with all-renewable power 100 percent of the time may become the most cost-beneficial option post-2025.
The seminar is open to the public. Stanford students enrolled in CEE 272T/EE 292T: SmartGrids and Advanced Power Systems Seminar must attend in person. All others, please register to attend on Zoom.