prof Priyanka Raina
Priyanka Raina receives prestigious NSF CAREER Award

Her proposal is titled, "A Framework for Co-design and Optimization of Programmable Hardware Accelerators and Compilers."


Default Tree
David G. Stork selected as 2023 Djerassi Fellow

Selected as one of six scientists whose work is deeply influenced by the arts.


prof Chelsea Finn
Chelsea Finn named 2023 Sloan Research Fellow

Awarded annually since 1955, the fellowships honor extraordinary U.S. and Canadian researchers whose creativity, innovation, and research accomplishments make them stand out as the next generation of leaders.


prof Eric Pop
Eric Pop appointed the inaugural Pease-Ye Professor

His research lies at the intersection of nanoelectronics and nanoscale energy conversion.


Peter Mugaba Noertoft, B.S. '25
Peter Mugaba Noertoft receives Optica Amplify Scholarship

He is an undergraduate researcher in the Nanoscale and Quantum Photonics Lab.


partial image of book cover, "Pixels & Paintings"
David G. Stork to present computer analyses of Vermeer's works

In addition to the largest exhibition of Vermeer's work, the Rijksmuseum will host the Vermeer International Symposium,  where researchers will offer lectures to better understand how this artist executed his works.


prof Krishna Shenoy
Krishna Shenoy, engineer who reimagined how the brain makes the body move, dies at 54

Krishna was a pioneer of neuroprosthetics, a field that paired chips implanted in the brain with algorithms able to decipher the chatter between neurons, allowing people with paralysis to control computers and mechanical limbs with their thoughts.


prof Caroline Trippel
Caroline Trippel receives prestigious NSF CAREER Award

Her research award will focus on "Scalable assurance via verifiable hardware-software contracts."


PhD candidate Constantin Dory
PhD candidate Constantin Dory wins 2019 Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship

Following a rigorous evaluation process, Constantin is one of ten North American doctoral students recognized for their great accomplishments.


prof Dan Boneh
Dan Boneh and team find relying on AI is more likely to make your code buggier

Their study examined how users interact with an AI Code assistant to solve a variety of security related tasks across different programming languages.
