Before formally listing my publications I thought it would be fun to list a few that I particularly enjoyed writing becaue they were a bit different. They are all in Adobe portable document format (pdf).
1. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Frequency Bands Associated with Pc 1 Hydromagnetic Emissions," Technical Report, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, 44 pp., December 1966.
2. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Magnetotelluric Sounding of Mars," in "Scientific Experiment Definitions for Near Mars/Venus Operations," edited by W. C. Knudsen and A. D. Anderson, Technical Report, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Contract NAS 2-4092, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 187 pp., February 1967.
3. Tepley, L. R., K. G. Lambert, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Propagation of Sub-ELF Magnetic Pulses from High Altitude Nuclear Explosions (U)," Final Tech. Report, LMSC-B038023, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Contract No. AF 33(657)-15303, March 31, 1967. [SECRET]
4. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Simultaneity of Pc 3 Micropulsations at Conjugate Points," Proc. Conjugate Point Symposium Boulder, Colorado, ESSA Technical Memorandum IERTM-ITSA 72, July 1967.
5. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Narrow Frequency Bands in Hydromagnetic Emissions (Pc 1)," J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 29,1541-1557, 1967.
6. Ogawa, T., Y. Tanaka, M. Yasuhara, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and R. Gendrin, "Worldwide Simultaneity of Occurrence of a Q-Type ELF Burst in the Schumann Resonance Frequency Range," J. Geomag. Geoelec., 19,377-384, 1967.
7. Ammann, E. C. B., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Gas Exchange of Algae. IV. Reliability of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa," Appl. Microbiology, 16,669-672, 1968.
8. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and K. R. Roxburgh, "Triggering of Hydromagnetic 'Whistlers' by Sferics," Planet. Space Sci., 17,1310-1312, 1969.
9. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "A Possible Full-Moon Enhancement of Hydromagnetic Emission Activity," J. Geophys. Res., 74,2987-2995, 1969.
10. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Some Statistics of Pc 1 Geomagnetic Micropulsation Occurrence at Middle Latitudes: Inverse Relation with Sunspot Cycle and Semi-Annual Period," J. Geophys. Res., 75,4735-4745, 1970.
11. Bubenik, D. M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, L. E. Sweeney, Jr., and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Observations of Fine Structure in High-Frequency Radio Signals Propagated around the World," J. Geophys. Res., 76,1088-1092, 1971.
12. Villard, O. G., Jr., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and R. P. Cassam, "LDES, Hoaxes, and the Cosmic Repeater Hypothesis," QST, 55,54-58, May 1971.
13. Carpenter, D. L., A. C. Fraser-Smith, R. S. Unwin, E. W. Hones, Jr., and R. R. Heacock, "Correlation between Convection Electric Fields in the Nightside Magnetosphere and Several Wave and Particle Phenomena during Two Isolated Substorms," J. Geophys. Res., 76,7778-7786, 1971.
14. Fraser-Smith, A. C., K. J. Harker, R. T. Bly, Jr., and D. M. Bubenik, "Generation of Artificial Geomagnetic Micropulsations with a Large Ground-Based Current Loop," Tech. Rept. SU-SEL-72-023, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract N00014-67-A-0112-0066, Office of Naval Research, 130 pp., June 1972.
15. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Relationship between Pc 1 Micropulsations and Ionospheric Spread F," J. Geophys. Res., 77,3602-3606, 1972.
16. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Spectrum of the Geomagnetic Activity Index Ap," J. Geophys. Res., 77,4209-4220, 1972.
17. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Solar Cycle Control in the 27-Day Variation of Geomagnetic Activity," J. Geophys. Res., 78,5825-5829, 1973.
18. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. M. Bubenik, "The Effect of the Conducting Earth on the Micropulsation Generating Capability of a Ground-Based Current Loop," J. Geophys. Res., 79,1038-1045, 1974.
19. Harker, K. J., F. W. Crawford, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Generation of Alfven Waves in the Magnetosphere by Parametric Interaction between Whistlers," J. Geophys. Res., 79,1836-1843, 1974. [A correction to this paper appears in J. Geophys. Res., 79,4827, 1974.]
20. Buxton, J. L., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "A Superconducting System for High Sensitivity Measurements of Pc 1 Geomagnetic Pulsations," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Electronics, GE-12,109-113, 1974.
21. Lee, D. T.-L., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Long-Term Prediction of Pc 1 Geomagnetic Pulsation Occurrences," Planet. Space Sci., 23,431-436, 1975.
22. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Josephson Junction Detectors: Geophysical Applications," Science, 187,1213, 1975.
23. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and C. A. Cole, Jr., "Initial Observations of the Artificial Stimulation of ULF Pulsations by Pulsed VLF Transmissions," Geophys. Res. Letters, 2,146-149, 1975.
24. Fraser-Smith and J. L. Buxton, "Superconducting magnetometer measurements of geomagnetic activity in the 0.1- to 14-Hz frequency range," J. Geophys. Res., 80,3141-3147, 1975.
25. Fraser-Smith, A. C., (Editor), "Magnetosphere", Chapter 4 in Review of Radio Science, 1972-1974,133 pp., Gen. Ed. S.A. Bowhill, URSI, Brussels, 1975.
26. Lipa, B. J., A. C. Fraser-Smith, O. G. Villard, Jr., and J. R. Storey, "Controlled Artificial Generation of Geomagnetic Pulsations," Nature, 258, 311-313, 1975.
27. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. M. Bubenik, "Predominance of Even Ap Indices," Geophys. Res. Letters, 3,91-92, 1976. [A correction to this paper appears in Geophys. Res. Letters, 3,239, 1976.]
28. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. M. Bubenik, "ULF/ELF Magnetic Fields Generated at the Sea Surface by Submerged Magnetic Dipoles," Radio Sci., 11,901-913, 1976.
29. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Chevron Frequency Structure in Pc 1 Geomagnetic Pulsations," Geophys. Res. Letters, 4,53-56, 1977.
30. Fraser-Smith, A. C., D. M. Bubenik, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Air/Undersea Communication at Ultra-Low-Frequencies using Airborne Loop Antennas," Tech. Rept. SEL-77-013, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract N00014-75-C-1095, Office of Naval Research, 75 pp., 1977.
31. Bubenik, D. M., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Evidence for Strong Artificial Components in the Equivalent Linear Amplitude Geomagnetic Indices," J. Geophys. Res., 82,2875-2878, 1977.
32. Fraser-Smith, A. C., O. G. Villard, Jr., and D. M. Bubenik, "A Study of the 'Peninsula Method' for the Controlled Artificial Generation of ULF Waves in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere," Tech. Rept. SEL-77-041, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract N00014-755-C-1095, Office of Naval Research, 35 pp., 1977.
33. Fraser-Smith, A. C., R. A. Helliwell, T. F. Bell, T. L. Crystal, and B. Dingle, "Stimulation of ULF Geomagnetic Pulsations by Controlled VLF Transmissions into the Magnetosphere," Tech. Rept. SEL-77-042, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract N00014-75-C-1095, Office of Naval Research, 56 pp., 1977.
34. Villard, O. G., Jr., R. A. Helliwell, A. C. Fraser-Smith, T. F. Bell, D. M. Bubenik, T. L. Crystal, and B. Dingle, "Controlled Artificial Generation of Ultra-Low-Frequency Hydromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere," Final Tech. Rept. SEL 77-029, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract N00014-75-C-1095, Office of Naval Research, 12 pp., 1978.
35. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "ULF Tree Potentials and Geomagnetic Pulsations," Nature, 271,641-642, 1978.
36. Bubenik, D. M., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Reply to "Comment on 'Evidence for Strong Artificial Components in the Equivalent Linear Amplitude Geomagnetic Indices' by D.M. Bubenik and A. C. Fraser-Smith," by P. N. Mayaud and L. Svalgaard," J. Geophys. Res., 83,2725, 1978.
37. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. B. Coates, "Large Amplitude ULF Electromagnetic Fields from BART," Radio Sci., 13,661-668, 1978.
38. Bubenik, D. M., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Fields Generated in a Sea of Finite Depth by a Submerged Vertically-Directed Harmonic Magnetic Dipole," Radio Sci., 13,1011-1020, 1978.
39. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. M. Bubenik, "ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Fields Generated above a Sea of Finite Depth by a Submerged Vertically-Directed Harmonic Magnetic Dipole," Radio Sci., 14,59-74, 1979.
40. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "A Weekend Increase in Geomagnetic Activity," J. Geophys. Res., 84,2089-2096, 1979.
41. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and R. A. Helliwell, "ELF Sferic Occurrences in the Antarctic during a Solar Proton Event: Case Study of Occurrences at Byrd Station during the Event of 9 June 1978," Final Tech. Rept. SEL-79-005, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract DNA 001-78-C-0117, Defense Nuclear Agency, 31 pp., March 1979.
42. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Trend toward Multiple Authors in Research Publications: Mutual Funding of Scientists," Eos Trans. A.G.U., 60,700-701, October 9, 1979. This article also appears in History of Geophysics, 2,103-104, Ed. C. S. Gilmore, AGU, Washington, D.C., 1986.
43. Ho, A. M.-H., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Large-Amplitude ULF Magnetic Fields Produced by a Rapid Transit System: Close Range Measurements," Radio Sci., 14,1011-1015, 1979.
44. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. M. Bubenik, "Compendium of the ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Fields Generated above a Sea of Finite Depth by Submerged Harmonic Dipoles," Tech. Rept. SEL-79-025, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract N00014-77-C0292, Office of Naval Research, 114 pp., January 1980.
45. Honey, R, D. M. Bubenik, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Geomagnetic/Geoelectric Noise Investigation (U)," SRI International, Final Rept., Contract N00167-79-C-0064, David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, 104 pp., February 1980. [CONFIDENTIAL].
46. Mende, S. B., R. L. Arnoldy, L. J. Cahill, Jr., J. H. Doolittle, W. C. Armstrong, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Correlation between 4278 A Optical Emissions and a Pc 1 Pearl Event Observed at Siple Station, Antarctica," J. Geophys. Res., 85,1194-1202, 1980.
47. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and R. A. Helliwell, "ELF Sferic Occurrences in the Antarctic during a Solar Proton Event: Case Study of Occurrences at Byrd Station during the Event of 9 June 1978," J. Geophys. Res., 85,2296-2306, 1980. [This paper is a shortened and slightly modified version of the report with the same title listed above].
48. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Short-Term Prediction and a New Method of Classification of Pc 1 Pulsation Occurrences," Planet. Space Sci., 28,739-747, 1980.
49. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and O. G. Villard, Jr., "The 'Peninsula Method' for ULF Signal Generation," Nature, 286,242-243, 1980.
50. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and R. A. Helliwell, "Stimulation of Pc 1 Geomagnetic Pulsations by Naturally Occurring Repetitive VLF Activity," Geophys. Res. Letts., 7,851-853, 1980.
51. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Effects of Man on Geomagnetic Activity and Pulsations," Adv. Space Res., 1,455-466, 1981.
52. Harker, K. J., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Generation of Acoustic Waves by Harmonic Electric Current Sheets in the Sea," J. Acoustical Soc. Am., 69, 970-973, 1981.
53. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Long-Term Predictions of Pc 1 Geomagnetic Pulsations: Comparison with Observations," Planet. Space Sci., 29,715-719, 1981.
54. Samadani, R., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Possible Changes in Natural Pc 1 Pulsation Activity Caused by BART," J. Geophys. Res., 86, 9211-9214, 1981.
55. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and Z. R. Hitchcock, "Trend toward Multiple Authors in Research Publications: Failure of the Universities to Support Research," Eos Trans. A.G.U., 62, 1178, December 15, 1981. This article also appears in History of Geophysics, 2,105-106, Ed. C. S. Gilmore, AGU, Washington, D.C., 1986.
56. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Is there an Increase of Geomagnetic Activity Preceding Total Lunar Eclipses?" J. Geophys. Res., 87,895-898, 1982.
57. Inan, A. S., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Fields Produced in Sea Water by Linear Current Sources," Tech. Rept. E721-1, Stanford Electronics Laboratories, Contract N00014-79-C-0848, Office of Naval Research, 118 pp., February 1982.
58. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "ULF/Lower-ELF Electromagnetic Field Measurements in the Polar Caps," Rev. Geophys. Space Sci., 20,497-512, 1982.
59. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "The Magnetic Field Gradiometer," Final Tech. Rept. E723-1, Stanford Electronics Labs., Contract N002228-81-C-AB56, Office of Naval Technology/Naval Postgraduate School, 88 pp., February 1983.
60. Inan, A. S., Fraser-Smith, A. C., and O. G. Villard, Jr., "ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Fields Produced in a Conducting Medium of Infinite Extent by Linear Current Sources of Infinite Length," Radio Sci., 18,1383-1392, 1983.
61. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Characteristics of Variations of the External Magnetic Field," pp. 67 - 77 in Proceedings of the Workshop on Geomagnetic Properties on Continental Margins, Ed. H. Weinstock, Office of Naval Research, May 1984.
62. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. M. Bubenik, "ULF/ELF/VLF Electromagnetic Fields Generated in a Sea of Finite Depth by Elevated Dipole Sources," Final Tech. Rept. E715-2, Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-77-C-0292, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Lab., Stanford University, 96 pp., September 1984.
63. Bernardi, A., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "A Real-Time Index of Geomagnetic Background Activity for the M.A.D. Frequency Range," Tech. Rept. E724-1, Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-83-K-0390, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Lab., Stanford University, 43 pp., February 1985.
64. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "There is no Magnetosphere ... Nor is There a Plasmasphere," Eos Trans. A.G.U., 66,498, June 18, 1985. Comments by other writers and author's "Reply," Eos Trans. A.G.U., 66,1177, November 19, 1985.
65. Fraser-Smith, A. C., P. M. Banks, and G. D. Reeves, "Observations of Sub-LF Electromagnetic Field Phenomena Associated with Modulated Electron Beams on STS-3," Final Tech. Rept. RADC-TR-85-152, Rome Air Development Center/NASA Grant NAGW-235, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Lab., Stanford University, 44 pp., August 1985.
66. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and R. A. Helliwell, "The Stanford University ELF/VLF Radiometer Project: Measurement of the Global Distribution of ELF/VLF Electromagnetic Noise," Proc. 1985 IEEE Internat. Symp. on Electromag. Compatability,IEEE Cat. No. 85CH2116-2, 305-311, August 1985.
67. Inan, A.S., Fraser-Smith, A. C., and O. G. Villard, Jr., "ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Fields Produced in a Conducting Medium of Infinite Extent by a Linear Current Source of Finite Length," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-33,1363-1369, 1985.
68. Inan, A. S., Fraser-Smith, A. C., and O. G. Villard, Jr., "ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Fields Generated along the Sea Floor Interface by a Straight Current Source of Infinite Length," Radio Sci., 21,409-420, 1986.
69. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Maximum Field Criteria for a Line Current Source in a Conducting Medium," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-34,723, 1986.
70. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "The Centered and Eccentric Geomagnetic Dipoles and their Poles, 1600-1985," Rev. Geophys., 25,1-16, 1987.
71. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Transmogrifications of the Earth's Dipole field," Eos Trans. AGU, 68,197-198, April 7, 1987.
72 Fraser-Smith, A. C., D. M. Bubenik, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Large-amplitude Changes induced by a Sea Bed in the Sub-LF Electromagnetic Fields produced in, on, and above the Sea by Harmonic Dipole Sources," Radio Science, 22,579-594, 1987.
73. Banks, P. M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, B. E. Gilchrist, K. J. Harker, L. R. O. Storey, and P. R. Williamson, "New Concepts in Ionospheric Modification, Tech. Rept. D131-1, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, Grant NAGW 235, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, April 1987. Also appears as Final Rept. AFGL-TR-88-0133, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, Mass., 188 pp., April 1987.
74. Banks, P. M., R. I. Bush, A. C. Fraser-Smith, K. J. Harker, T. Neubert, G. D. Reeves, L. R. O. Storey, "A Study of Electron Beam Wave Generation," Final Tech. Rept. D114-1, Rome Air Development Center Contract F19628-84-K-0014, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Lab., Stanford University, 26 pp., June 1987.
75. Ahlbom, A., E. N. Albert, A. C. Fraser-Smith, A. J. Grodzinsky, M. T. Marron, A. O. Martin, M. A. Persinger, M. L. Shelanski, and E. R. Wolpaw, "Biological Effects of Power Line Fields," New York State Powerlines Project: Scientific Advisory Panel Final Report, 182 pp., 1 July 1987.
76. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Comment on 'Fingerprint Structure Pc 1 Geomagnetic Pulsations,' by N. Sato, T. Hirasawa, and Y. Shirokura," Geophys. Res. Letts, 14,1178-1179, 1987.
77. Reeves, G. D., P. M. Banks, A. C. Fraser-Smith, T. Neubert, R. I. Bush, D. A. Gurnett, and W. J. Raitt, "VLF Wave Stimulation by Pulsed Electron Beams Injected from the Space Shuttle, J. Geophys. Res., 93,162-174, 1988.
78. Bernardi, A, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "An Automatic Real-Time Geomagnetic Activity Monitoring System for the MAD and Adjacent Bands,'' Tech. Rept.E724--2, Stanford STAR Laboratory, November 1988.
79. Fraser-Smith, A. C., A. S. Inan, O. G. Villard, Jr., and R. G. Joiner, "Seabed Propagation of ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Waves from Harmonic Dipole Sources located on the Seafloor," Radio Sci., 23,931-943, 1988
80 Reeves, G. D., P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, R. I. Bush, P. R. Williamson, A. C. Fraser-Smith, D. A. Gurnett, and W. J. Raitt, "VLF Wave Emissions by Pulsed and DC Electron Beams in Space, 1: Spacelab-2 Observations," J. Geophys. Res., 93,14,699-14,718, 1988.
81. Fraser-Smith, A. C., R. A. Helliwell, B. R. Fortnam, P. R. McGill, and C. C. Teague, "A New Global Survey of ELF/VLF Radio Noise," Conf. on Effects of Electromagnetic Noise and Interference on Performance of Military Radio Communication Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-30 October, 1987, published in AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 420,pp. 4A-1 to 4A-9, December 1988.
82. Banks, P. M., B. E. Gilchrist, T. Neubert, N. Myers, W. J. Raitt, P. R. Williamson, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and S. Sasaki, "CHARGE-2 Rocket Observations of Vehicle Charging and Charge Neutralization," Adv. Space Res., 10 (7),133-136, 1990.
83. Bernardi, A., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Measurement of BART Magnetic Fields with an Automatic Geomagnetic Pulsation Index Generator," IEEE Trans. on Electromagn. Compat., 31,413-417, 1989.
84. Fraser-Smith, A. C., P. R. McGill, R. A. Helliwell, and Sibylle Houery, "Radio Noise Measurements in the Long-Wave Band at Thule, Greenland," Final Tech. Rept. E466-1, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, Contract No. F19628-84-K-0043, Rome Air Development Center, November 1988. Also appears as Final Technical Rept. RADC-TR-89-94, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Force Base, N.Y., 74 pp., August 1989.
85. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Space Science Strategy, 1990-2026 A.D.," Eos Trans. A.G.U., 70,1569, December 26, 1989.
86. Inan, A. S., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Further Investigation of the Interference Minimums in the Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields produced by a Submerged Vertical Magnetic Dipole," Radio Science, 25,339-347, 1990.
87. Neubert, T., P. M. Banks, B. E. Gilchrist, A. C. Fraser-Smith, P. R. Williamson, W. J. Raitt, N. B. Myers, and S. Sasaki, "The Interaction of an Artificial Electron Beam with the Earth's Upper Atmosphere: Effects on Spacecraft Charging and the Near-Plasma Environment," J.Geophys. Res., 95,12,209-12,217, 1990.
88. Lanzerotti, L. J., G. D. Egbert, A. C. Fraser-Smith, P. Greifinger, T. R. Madden, E. A. Nichols, and L. Zanetti, "Ionospheric Working Group Report," pp. 22-27 in Report of a Workshop on the Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Environment of Continental Margins, ed. A. D. Chave et al., SIO Reference 90-20, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, Univ. of California, San Diego, April 1990.
89. Fraser-Smith, A. C., A. Bernardi, P. R. McGill, M. E. Ladd, R. A. Helliwell, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Measurements near the Epicenter of the Ms 7.1 Loma Prieta Earthquake," Geophys. Res. Letters, 17,1465-1468, 1990.
90. Lanzerotti, L. J., C. G. Maclennan, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Background Magnetic Spectra: ~10-5 to ~105 Hz," Geophys. Res. Letters, 17,1593-1596, 1990.
91. Banks, P. M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and B. E. Gilchrist, "Ionospheric Modification using Relativistic Electron Beams," Conf. on Ionospheric Modification and its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems, Bergen, Norway, 28-31 May, 1990, published in AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 485,pp. 22-1 to 22-18, October 1990.
92. Fraser-Smith, A. C., P. R. McGill, A. Bernardi, R. A. Helliwell, and M.E. Ladd, "Global Measurements of Low-Frequency Radio Noise," pp. 191-200 in Environmental and Space Electromagnetics,Ed. H. Kikuchi, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1991.
93. Fraser-Smith, A. C., T. Ogawa, P. R. McGill, A. Bernardi, M. E. Ladd, and R. A. Helliwell, "Measurements of ELF/VLF Radio Noise in Japan," pp. 201-207 in Environmental and Space Electromagnetics,Springer-Verlag, Ed. H. Kikuchi, Tokyo, 1991.
94. Ogawa, T., S. Yano, K. Oike, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Radio Emissions from Rock, Iron, and Wood, and an Example of Radio Noises Associated with Earthquake," pp. 520-527 in Environmental and Space Electromagnetics,Ed. H. Kikuchi, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1991.
95. Neubert, T., P. M. Banks, B. E. Gilchrist, A. C. Fraser-Smith, P. R. Williamson, W. J. Raitt, N. B. Myers, and S. Sasaki, "Modification of Spacecraft Charging and the Near-Plasma Environment caused by the Interaction of an Artificial Electron Beam with the Earth's Upper Atmosphere," Proc. Spacecraft Charging Technology Conf.,Ed. R. C. Olsen, 541-555, 1991.
96. Neubert, T., S. Sasaki, B. E. Gilchrist, P. M. Banks, P. R. Williamson, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and W. J. Raitt, "Observations of Plasma Wave Turbulence Generated around Large Ionospheric Spacecraft: Effects of Motionally Induced EMF and of Electron Beam Emission," J. Geophys. Res., 96,9,639-9,654, 1991.
97. Bernardi, A., A. C. Fraser-Smith, P. R. McGill, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "ULF Magnetic Field Measurements near the Epicenter of the Ms 7.1 Loma Prieta Earthquake," Phys. of the Earth Planet. Interiors, 68,45-63, 1991.
98. Harker, K. J., T. Neubert, P. M. Banks, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and D. J. Donahue, "Ground Level Signal Strength of Electromagnetic Waves Generated by Pulsed Electron Beams in Space," Planet. Space Sci., 39,1527-1535, 1991.
99. Meloni, A, P. Palangio, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Some Characteristics of the ELF/VLF Radio Noise Measured near L'Aquila, Italy," IEEE Trans. Antennas Prop., 40,233-236, 1992.
100. Fraser-Smith, A. C., R. A. Helliwell, L. J. Lanzerotti, and T. J. Rosenberg, "Antarctic Environmental Concerns," Science, 256,949-950, 1992.
101. Bowen, M. M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and P. M. McGill, "Long-Term Averages of Globally-Measured ELF/VLF Radio Noise," Tech. Rept. E450-2, Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N00014-81-K-0382 and Grant No. N00014-90-J-1080, Stanford STAR Laboratory, March 1992.
102. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and M. M. Bowen, "The Natural Background Levels of 50/60 Hz Radio Noise," IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., 34,330-337, 1992.
103. Molchanov, O. A., Yu. A. Kopytenko, P. V. Voronov, E. A. Kopytenko, T. Matiashvili, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and A. Bernardi, "Results of ULF Magnetic-Field Emission Measurements near the Epicenters of the Spitak (Ms = 6.9) and the Loma Prieta (Ms = 7.1) Earthquakes: Comparative Analysis," Geophys. Res. Letters, 19,1495-1498, 1992.
104. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "ELF-Field Health Effects: Biological, or Illogical?," Physics Today, 45,13-16, 1992.
105. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "ULF Magnetic Fields Generated by Electrical Storms and their Significance to Geomagnetic Pulsation Generation," Geophys. Res. Letters, 20,467-470, 1993.
106. Fenoglio, M. A., A. C. Fraser-Smith, G. C. Beroza, and M. J. S. Johnston, "Comparison of Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Signals with Aftershock Activity during the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Sequence," Bull. Seismolog. Soc. Am., 83,347-357, 1993.
107. Henderson, T. R., V. S. Sonwalker, R. A. Helliwell, U. S. Inan, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "A Search for ELF/VLF Emissions Induced by Earthquakes as Observed in the Ionosphere by the DE 2 Satellite," J. Geophys. Res., 98,9503-9514, 1993.
108. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and J. P. Turtle, "ELF/VLF Radio Noise Measurements at High Latitudes during Solar Particle Events," paper presented at the 51st AGARD-EPP Specialists' Meeting on "ELF/VLF/LF Radio Propagation and Systems Aspects," Brussels, Belgium, 28 September - 2 October, 1992. Published in AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 529,pp. 16-1 to 16-8, May 1993.
109. Fraser-Smith, A. C., A. Bernardi, R. A. Helliwell, P. R. McGill, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Analysis of Low Frequency-Electromagnetic-Field Measurements near the Epicenter," in The Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of October 17, 1989 - Preseismic Observations,Ed. M. J. S. Johnston, U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 1550-C, U.S. Gov. Print. Office, Washington, D.C., 1993.
110. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and R. A. Helliwell, "Overview of the Stanford University/ Office of Naval Research ELF/VLF radio noise survey," pp. 502-509 in Proc. 1993 Ionospheric Effects Symposium,Ed. J. M. Goodman, SRI International, Arlington, Virginia, 1994.
111. Meyers, N. B., J. Ernstmeyer, P. McGill, A. C. Fraser-Smith, W. J. Raitt, and D. C. Thompson, "Ground-based VLF Measurements during Pulsed Electron Beam Emissions in the Ionosphere," Adv. Space Res., 99-102, 1993.
112. Axford, W. I., F. J. Davey, A. C. Fraser-Smith, J. G. Keys, L. J. Lanzerotti, and T. J. Rosenberg, "Analysis of the Electromagnetic Environment at Arrival Heights," Report to the SCAR executive (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research), 37 pp., August 1994.
113. Hayakawa, M., Y. Fujinawa, F. F. Evinson, V. A. Shapiro, P. Varotsos, A. C. Fraser-Smith, O. A. Molchanov, O. A. Pokhotelov, Y. Enomoto, and H. H. Schloessin, "What is the Future Direction of Investigation of Electromagnetic Phenomena Related to Earthquake Prediction?", pp. 667-677 in Electromagnetic Phenomena Related to Earthquake Prediction, Ed. M. Hayakawa and Y. Fujinawa, Terra Publishing, Tokyo, 1994.
114. Fraser-Smith, A. C., P. R. McGill, R. A. Helliwell, and O. G. Villard, Jr., "Ultra-Low Frequency Magnetic Field Measurements in Southern California during the Northridge Earthquake of 17 January 1994," Geophys. Res. Letters, 21,2195-2198, 1994.
115. Parrot, M., O. A. Molchanov, T. Yoshino, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Electromagnetic Effects Associated with Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions," Eos Trans. AGU, 76,233, June 6, 1995.
116. Fraser-Smith, A. C., Low-Frequency Radio Noise,Ch. 12 in Handbook of Atmospheric Dynamics, Vol. 1, pp. 297-310, Ed. H. Volland, CRC Press, 1995.
117. Raitt, W. J., J. Ernstmeyer, N. B. Meyers, A. B. White, S. Sasaki, K.-I. Oyama, N. Kawashima, A. C. Fraser-Smith, B. E. Gilchrist, and T. J. Hallinan, "CHARGE-2B: A Sounding Rocket Experiment to Study the Generation and Propagation of VLF Waves by a Modulated Electron Beam," J. Spacecraft Rockets, 32,670-679, 1995.
118. Fraser-Smith, A. C., P. R. McGill, M. M. Bowen, C. C. Teague, J. Ernstmeyer, N. B. Meyers, and W. J. Raitt, "A Ground-Level Search for Electron-Beam Generated ELF/VLF Radio Emissions During the CHARGE-2B Rocket Launch," Final Tech. Rept. 2DPD167-1, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, Contract No. F19628-89-K-0040, Rome Air Development Center, October 1995. [Also appears as Final Technical Rept. RADC-TR-89-94, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Force Base, N.Y., 74 pp., August 1989.]
119. Gilchrist, B. E., C. Bonifazi, D. C. Thompson, V. M. Agüero, P. M. Banks, W. J. Raitt, S. D. Williams, S. G. Bilén, N. R. Voronka, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "TSS-1 SETS and CORE Experiment Results and Plans for Reflight," Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Tethers in Space,AIAA, Washington, D.C., 1995.
120. Füllekrug, M., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Further Evidence for a Global Correlation of the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity Resonances," Geophys. Res. Letts., 23,2773-2776, 1996.
121. Chrissan, D. A., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Seasonal Variations of ELF/VLF Radio Noise at Arrival Heights, Antarctica" Antarctic J., 30, 368-369, 1996.
122. Chrissan, D. A., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Seasonal Variations of Globally-Measured ELF/VLF Radio Noise," Radio Science, 31,1141-1152, 1996.
123. Fraser-Smith, A. C., P. Bannister, D. E. Barrick, A. J. Michael, P. Switzer, and C. C. Teague, "A Study of a Russian Earthquake Prediction Method," Final Technical Report, U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technical Cooperation, July 1996.
124. Liu, T. T., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Hayward Fault Earthquake Prediction Project: ULF Magnetic Field Measurements," Final Report, EPRI Project #WO8035-02, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Lab., Stanford University, December 1996.
125. Chrissan, D. A., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Seasonal Variations of Globally Measured ELF/VLF Radio Noise," Tech. Report D177-1, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, ONR Grants N00014-92-J-1576 and N00014-93-1-1073, December 1996.
126. Chrissan, D. A., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Diurnal Variations of Globally Measured ELF/VLF Radio Noise," Tech. Report D177-2, Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, ONR Grants N00014-92-J-1576 and N00014-93-1-1073, July 1997.
127. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and P. R. Bannister, "Reception of ELF signals at Antipodal Distances," Radio Science, 33, 83-88, 1998.
128. Füllekrug, M., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Global Lightning and Climate Variability Inferred from ELF Magnetic Field Variations," Geophys. Res. Letts., 24, 2411-2414, 1997.
129. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and F. Y. Liu, "The Antenna Noise Factor Fa for a Vertical Loop Antenna," submitted to Radio Science,December 1997.
130. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and C. C. Teague, "Low-frequency Radio Research at Thule, Greenland," Final Tech. Report AFRL-VS-HA-TR-98-0008 (for the Air Force Research Lab., Hanscom AFB, MA), Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, January 1998.
131. Liu, T. T., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Identification and Removal of Man-Made Transients from Geomagnetic Array Time Series: A Wavelet Transform Based Approach," Proc. 32nd Asilomar Conf. On Signals, Systems, and Computers, 3,1363-1367, 1998.
132. Füllekrug, M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and S. C. Reising, "Ultra-slow Tails of Sprite-Associated Lightning Flashes," Geophys. Res. Letts., 25, 3497-3500, 1998.
133. Liu, T. T., and A. C. Fraser-Smith. "An Undecimated Wavelet Transform Based Detector for Transients in 1/f Noise." Proc. 1999 IEEE Intl. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 3,1185-1188, 1999.
134. Füllekrug, M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, E. A. Bering, and A. A. Few, "On the Hourly Contribution of Global Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity to the Atmospheric Electric Field in the Antarctic during December 1992," J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 61,745-750, 1999.
135. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Cancellation of Natural Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations: An Opportunity for New Discoveries in the Earth Sciences using Superconducting Magnetic Field Gradiometers," Final Tech. Report A416-1(for the U.S. Geological Survey), Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, February 1999.
136. Liu, T. T., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Detection of Transients in 1/f Noise with the Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform," IEEE Trans. Sig. Processing, 48,1458-1462, 2000.
137. Chrissan, D. A., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "A Comparison of Low-Frequency Radio Noise Amplitude Probability Distribution Models," Radio Science, 35,195-208, 2000.
138. Porrat, D., C. C. Teague, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Ionospheric Heating at 500 Hz: Experimental Results and Unusual Spectral Phenomena," Tech. Rept. A706-1,Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, HAARP Contract F19628-96-C-0149 and ONR Grant N00014-92-J-1576, August 1999.
139. Anyamba, E., E. Williams, J. Susskind, A. Fraser-Smith, and M. Füllekrug, "The Manifestation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Global Deep Convection and in Schumann Resonance Intensity," J. Atmosph. Sci., 57,1029-1044, 2000.
140. Fraser-Smith, A. C., D. Porrat, and H. W. Jones, "A Study of Radio Transmission across the Ice of Jupiter's Moon Europa," Final Rept. A458-1, Space Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford University, NASA/Ames Grant NCC 2-5354, July 2000.
141. Karakelian, D., S. L. Klemperer, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and G. C. Beroza, "A Transportable System for Monitoring Ultra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Signals Associated with Earthquakes," Seismol. Res. Letts., 71,423-436, July/August 2000.
142. Porrat, D., P. R. Bannister, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Modal Phenomena in the Natural Electromagnetic Spectrum below 5 kHz," Radio Science, 36,499-506, 2001.
143. Porrat, D., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Propagation at Extremely Low Frequencies," in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Online, Ed. J. Webster, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001:
144. Koons, H. C., J. L. Roeder, Y. Hobara, M. Hayakawa, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Statistical Analysis of the Data from the ULF Sensors at Seikoshi Station," pp., 29-39 in Seismo Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, Eds. M. Hayakawa and O. A. Molchanov, Terrapub, Tokyo, 2002.
145. Karakelian, D., G. C. Beroza, S. L. Klemperer, and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Analysis of Ultra-low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Measurements associated with the 1999 M 7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake Sequence," Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 92, 1513-1524, 2002.
146. Karakelian, D., S. L. Klemperer, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and G. A. Thompson, "Ultra-low Frequency Electromagnetic Measurements Associated with the 1998 Mw 5.1 San Juan Bautista, California, Earthquake and Implications for Mechanisms of Electromagnetic Earthquake Precursors," Tectonophysics, 359, 65-79, 2002.
147. Füllekrug, M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, and K. Schlegel, "Global Ionospheric D-layer Height Monitoring," Europhysics Letts., 59, 626-632, 2002.
148. Chrissan, D. A., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "A Clustering Poisson Model for Characterizing the Interarrival Times of Sferics," Radio Science, 38, 17-1 to 17-14, 2003.
149. Taylor, W. W. L., A. C. Fraser-Smith, D. L. Gallagher, J. L. Green, and D. A. Gurnett, "Feasibility Study of Detection in Space of Terrestrial Electromagnetic Emissions from Industrial Processes," Tech. Rept. , submitted to R. Hill, Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Texas, April 19, 2003.
150. Ignaccolo, M., T. Farges, A. Mika, T. H. Allin, O. Chanrion, E. Blanc, C. Haldoupis, T. Neubert, A. C. Fraser-Smith, and M. Füllekrug, "The Planetary Rate of Sprite Events," Geophys. Res. Letts., 33, L11808, doi:10.1029/2005GL025502, 2006.
150. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "The Effective Antenna Noise Figure Fa for a Vertical Loop Antenna and its Application to ELF/VLF Atmospheric Noise," Radio Science, 42, RS4026, doi:10.1029/2005RS003387, 2007.
151. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and D. B. Leeson, "Memorial Resolution, Oswald Garrison "Mike" Villard, Jr. (1916-2004)," Stanford Report, XL, 11, January 30, 2008.
152. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "Ultralow-Frequency Magnetic Fields Preceding Large Earthquakes," Eos, Trans. AGU, 89, 211, 2008.
153. Fraser-Smith, A. C., "The Ultralow-frequency Magnetic Fields Associated withand Preceding Earthquakes," pp. 1-22 in Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes, Transworld, 2009.
154. Mackay, C., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "Lightning Location using the Slow-Tails of Sferics," Radio Sci., 45, RS5010, doi:10.1029/2010RS004405, 2008.
155. Mackay, C., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "World Coverage for Single Station Lightning Detection," Radio Sci., 46, RS0M01, doi:10.1029/2010RS004600, 2011.
156. Fraser-Smith, A. C., P. R. McGill, and A. Bernardi, "Comment on 'Natural magnetic disturbance fields, not precursors, preceding the Loma Prieta earthquake' by Wallace H. Campbell," J. Geophys. Res., 116, A08228, doi:10.1029/2010JA016379, 2011.
157. Füllekrug, M., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "The Earth's Electromagnetic Environment," Geophys. Res. Letts., 38, L21807, doi:10.1029/2011GL049572, 2011.
158. Fraser-Smith, A. C., and S. N. Kjono, "The ULF Magnetic Fields Generated by Thunderstorms: A Source of ULF Geomagnetic Pulsations?," Radio Sci., 49, doi:10.1002/2014RS005566, 2014.
159. Koochak, Z., and A. C. Fraser-Smith, "An Update on the Centered and Eccentric Geomagnetic Dipoles and their Poles for the Years 1980-2015," J. Earth Space Sci., (submitted), 2016.
[Return to the Fraser-Smith home page or research interests.]