Stanford University
 Stanford, California 94305

Antony C. Fraser-Smith

Research Professor (Emeritus)
Departments of Electrical Engineering and Geophysics
Stanford University

Research Areas


Research Interests


Graduate Admissions, Electrical Engineering

Recent Graduate Students

Visiting Scholars

Classes and Seminars

The Oswald G. Villard Jr. Fellowship in Radioscience

Directory Information

Mailing Address:
Department of Electrical Engineering
David Packard EE Building, Rm 333
350 Serra Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-9515
Room 333, David Packard Electrical Engineering Bldg.
(650) 723-3684 (office)
(650) 723-9251 (fax)

Administrative Associate:
Ms Julia Gillespie
Room 365, Packard Electrical Engineering Bldg.
(650) 723-2681
(650) 724-3652 (fax)

Useful Maps:
(1) Map of the San Francisco Bay Area (Stanford University is located next to the town of Palo Alto).
(2) Map of Stanford's immediate vicinity.
(3) Searchable Map of Stanford.
(4) Location of the Packard building (a new building just below the blue circle).
(5) Map showing Recommended parking (in Parking Structure 2. The building labelled Elect. Engrng. at the corner of Via Palou and Serra Mall is the Packard Building.)


Brief Personal Information

At Stanford since 1968.

Fellow of (1) the Institute of Physics (London), and (2) the Geological Society of America.

Senior Member of IEEE.

Member: American Geophysical Union, American Physical Society (life member), URSI (Member-at-Large, 2000-03), IAGA.

Physics Faculty, University of Auckland (1961-1966); Research Scientist, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. (1966-1968); Chair of Applied Physics, Naval Postgraduate School (1980, on leave); Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University (1968-present); Department of Geophysics, Stanford University (1992-present); Associate Chair, with responsibility for graduate student admissions, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University (1995-2000).

Advisory Panel, Overhead Power Lines Project, State of New York, 1981-1987.

Chairman, Russian Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Study, Environmental Working Group, U.S.-Russian Joint Commission ("Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission") on Economic and Technological Cooperation, 1995-1997.

More information is provided in a biographical sketch .