

F. 1
For the morning in the city with Mama. To see the Stevens, Munroe, W(?)agner, Emory (de H). The Sanfords, Shencks, Berrys, Storys (of Rome), Mr Laurin came.
S. 2
Did not go out, except for the evening to the Noqueiras, where they go to receive every Saturday. Mr Hannah came.
S. 3
Did not go out, except for the evening to the Lorings. Papa left. Janet King, Thér. de Ch., Mr W. Phillips, Wood, Blaine came.
M. 4
Janet King, Baron von Schaefer, Miss Beale came.
T. 5
Mr and Mrs Clymer, Mrs F. Greene, Miss Edgar came. To the Beale's reception for the evening.
W. 6
Mrs Leonard, Misses Loring, Aldis, Ginny, Mr Denaut, Chew came. To see Mrs Jay, Nich. Hoffman, Adams.
T. 7
To see Mrs Robeson. Arthur Carey came.
F. 8
To see Mrs Mackay, Noble, Ashton, Mr L. Lewen., Lippet, Dodge. Carey lunched here.
S. 9
To the dentist with Max. In the afternoon to see Min. Stout, Miss Polk, Mrs Hopkins. Janet K., Mr du Puy de Lome, Emory, Mrs Jay here.
S. 10
Mrs Jay, Mr Roustan, Denaut came. Dined with Mrs Jay and we went together to the Lorings.
M. 11
To see Mrs Biddle, Levys, Rathe, Min. Stout. Miss Stearns (niece of Mrs Noble) here.
T. 12
To see Miss Aldis, Miss F. Loring, Chambrun. Misses Biddle and Worden here.
W. 13
To see Mrs Jay. Mrs Ferguson here. To see Jefferson in "The Poor Gentleman." Biddle theater party.
T. 14
To see Mrs Jay, the Dominguez, Pendleton. Dined at the Hopkins with Mr and Mrs Story (sculptor), and the secretary of war, Lincoln. We did not go to the Bliss', Mama was ill.
F. 15
To the city with Mama. The count of St James, M. de Bildt, Janet King, Mrs and Miss Polk came. Dined at the Camerons (Leut. and Mrs Greene, Miss Turnbull, Gen McCook, Mr Woodl. Blaire, Mr Rae. Mr Greene took me to table. People came afterwards.
S. 16
To see Miss Jay and to Ginny's. For the afternoon at the Noqueiras. Papa returned. Mrs Geo. (April) Loring and Miss L. came. Janet K. lunched with us.
S. 17
To St John's. Col. Hoffmann, Rev Dr Leeds, and Mr Hannah came. To the Lorings.
M. 18
To see Mrs (Justice) Miller, Temple, Brown, Allison, Blatchford, J. Wadsworth, J. Gardner, (Miss Howe) Mr Keevers, Berrys, B. Davis, Bancroft, Edgars, _ Marques della Vallé, Mr J. Gardner, J. Field, Mrs James. For the evening to the Pendletons.
T. 19
To buy a half pound of wool to crochet a ???(enaguitas) for the son of the doctor F. Loring. To see Mrs Hopkins. Lorings here. At the Beales for the evening. Papa returned to N.Y. Miss Levy came.
Wed. 20
To see Mrs Brewster, J. David, Frelinghuysens, Barca. The Domingues here.
T. 21
First communion at St. Johns. Augustin arrived from Quincy.
F. 22
John arrived from Europe.
S. 23
Papa arrived from N.Y. M. de Willamow came. To see Miss Polk and McLane.
S. 24
To St. J. Janet King came. In the evening to the Lorings' with Papa. Mr Nelson and Hoffman were presented to me.
M. 25
Received from Mama and Papa for Christmas $10, a large pair of white gloves, a dozen buttons (crystal balls), from Augustin an image and a ???, from Max, a gold broach for my hair, toenail cleaner, ???. From Aunt Amalia, $10. From Victoria West, a crystal stamp moistener. From Janet King, a vase. Xmas cards from Sala, Mercer, Nellie Fearson, Lolita W., from Bessie, from Lizzie Lisnse,from Emily Bard. Flowers from Mr Hanna.

To see Victoria W., Mrs Hopkins, Robeson. Ginny and her father here.

I gave a book of orations to Mama, a basket to Papa, a watchchain to Max, buttons for Augustine, a blotter for John. Sent Xmas cards to Lady Wolff, Mrs Buckler Bessie, Mme Chaffraix, Ida, Mrs Brooks.

Count Sala was first secretary to the French Minister.
T. 26
Mrs Berry and her son, Miss Clymer, Mrs Jay, Dr & Mrs Brown, Mr Bustamante, Hopkins came. With Mama to see Mrs Cox, Godoy Cabalano, G. Loring, Kings, Biddles. For the evening at the Beales with Mama and John.
Wed. 27
Miss Markos, Edw. Crosby, Mrs & Miss Edgar came. For the evening at Wil. Emory's house, we ate at Crosby's.
T. 28
To see Mrs McClellan, Cameron, Pendleton. Mr & Mrs John Davis, Mr Fred. Phillips, Com. & Mrs Temple, Mrs Phelps, Mrs Levellon Brown, Janet K., Crosby here. Juan to Cambridge. Dined at the Barca's with Victoria W., who took me. Misses Mathews & Sturgis, M.M. Dalla Vale we took me to the table. Chacon, Heredia, Pinto, Bustamante.
F. 29
Did not go out. Aristarchi Bey, Mrs Cox, Bancroft, the Brewsters left cards.

Robert M. Gray, September 23, 2005
