Note that you have reached a "legacy" web page that is no longer maintained as of 1/14/21. David Miller's current website is


Numbers of citations

As of December 7, 2004, papers by David Miller and co-authors had been cited 14,582 times. 42 papers had been cited 100 or more times each. An additional 35 papers had been cited 50 - 99 times.

As of August 20, 1999, papers by David Miller and co-authors had been cited 11,932 times.

Comparison with other cited authors

Highly cited author

As of December 2005, he was one of the 272 authors who qualified as a Highly Cited Author in the Physics literature, and one of the 229 authors who qualified as a highly cited author in the Engineering literature. He was one of only 8 people who appears on both the Engineering and the Physics lists. (See

As of 1997, his record of 9652 citations to publications in the period 1981 - 1997 made him the 21st most highly cited author out of over 500,000 authors examined in the physics literature over that period.


The h-index, defined as the number of papers with citation number greater than or equal to h,  has recently been proposed as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher [1]. See also the news story in Physics World.

As of December 2005, David Miller's h-index is 60, meaning he has 60 papers that have been cited 60 or more times.

See Ref. [1] to compare this to other authors in Physics. h-indices likely do vary between fields, with higher numbers for biological sciences for example [1]. No comparison is given to h-indices in Engineering, though, anecdotally, Engineering papers are likely less cited than Physics ones.

[1] Jorge E. Hirsch, "An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output, Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. 46 (2005) 16569;;

This method uses the Thomson ISI Web of Science database at To search for a scholar’s h-index, go to the Web of Science and enter the name in the "General Search" category. Clicking on "Search" brings up a list of papers over the entire lifetime by that author. To reorder the list from the most highly cited papers to least cited, click on "Sort by Times Cited" in the right hand column. To bring up a full H-index and citation report, click on the button "Citation Report"

(All citation numbers are according to ISI.)

research biography publications