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David A. B. Miller - Abstracts

Publication # 404

404. R. K. Schaevitz, E. H. Edwards, J. E. Roth, E. T. Fei, Y. Rong, P. Wahl, T. I. Kamins, J. S. Harris, and D. A. B. Miller, “Simple Electroabsorption Calculator for Designing 1310nm and 1550nm Modulators Using Germanium Quantum Wells,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 48, 187 – 197 (2012)  

With germanium showing significant promise in the design of electroabsorption modulators for full complementary metal oxide semiconductor integration, we present a simple electroabsorption calculator for Ge/SiGe quantum wells. To simulate the quantum-confined Stark effect electroabsorption profile, this simple quantum well electroabsorption calculator (SQWEAC) uses the tunneling resonance method, 2-D Sommerfeld enhancement, the variational method and an indirect absorption model. SQWEAC simulations are compared with experimental data to
validate the model before presenting optoelectronic modulator designs for the important communication bands of 1310 nm and 1550 nm. These designs predict operation with very low energy per bit (<30 fJ/bit).

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